Monday, June 8, 2009

Work Week Wrap Up

The rest of my first week goes as well as the first day. I spend most of the week just wrapping my hands around Staples as an organization, their strategy, and just how they make money. In addition, I am trying to get more acquainted with the specific financials behind the piece of the business I will be working on.

On Wednesday, Josh asks me to put together a presentation on the Q1 financials that we will be presenting to the customer service team. This is just a high level overview of how Staples did in Q1 to present to a non-financial team as the customer service team wants to know if the sky is falling or not. This is a great opportunity for me to dig in to Staples Q1 financials release and see for myself just how they are doing. On Thursday, Josh and I spend about an hour presenting the information, and the CS team seems to really appreciate it. Also, they like the fact that we are destroying Office Depot and Office Max at this point.

On Friday, we have the quarterly "Town Hall Meeting" for everybody who is on the retail said of the organization. The head of all the retail stores leads a meeting that is held in our auditorium and is also broadcast to every store in the chain. The focus of this particular THM is to talk about Staples' Back To School strategy. Obviously, this is an important time of the year for school supplies companies, and this year is especially interesting since everybody is now poor. After that, Josh and I head out "into the field" to check out some of our stores and the competitors' stores to put some tangibles behind the numbers. Also, I have never seen a Staples Copy & Print Store, so we are gonna check one of those out since I will be dealing a lot with their financials.

Luckily, our last stop is very close to home. Especially since there is a home Sox game tonight, so traffic would have been miserable. Not sure what my plan is on Monday when there is again a Sox game, but for now it is Friday, and Monday seems so far away! First week done, and I get a reminder of what the work Friday afternoon feeling is like. I did kinda miss that

Drew In Boston

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