Monday, June 8, 2009

The Social Week

First two items on the postwork schedule once settled were to find a way to play tennis up here and find a way to play golf up here. After doing a bit of research, I am able to find a tennis ladder league to join up here. They ask for a level, and I assume that this means they want a USTA level. I email the coordinator and tell him I am between a 4.0 and a 4.5. He then says "well, we don't have as many 4.5s this season, so hop into that division." I soon find out that 4.5 is the highest level they have. The first match has the potential to be embarrassing I fear, but we shall see. Luckily, I can move around divisions during the season. Josh then sends me an email with public courses all over the boston proper area, so I am now set on both fronts.

Monday, I somehow end up in front of the TV for a full hour while the Bachelorette is on. I am given a stern warning by Amy that no talking is allowed during the Bachelorette. This is an hour I will never get back.

Meanwhile, my GIE paper looms large over my head. I am all set to work on it Tuesday night, but Rebecca is pounding her head against the wall over her work slideshow, and since that seems like more fun to work on, I volunteer my assistance. Luckily, Macs are awesome, and we are able to Kraft (horrible pun) a pretty nice presentation. Wednesday 19 Turner St. decides to brave the perils of watching Marley & Me. Sierra is the star of the apartment on this particular evening.

Thursday is "trivia" night at Roggie's according to Will, so 8 of us head over there on Thursday. It is Will, myself, and six ladies. After chatting with Will for a while, he says "I know this may seem great, but imagine this without me here, because that is what I deal with" Fair enough. Roggie's is great, because they have these super pitchers of beer that are about 15 pints worth. Although you do find out pretty quickly that they are cool in novelty yet those last couple pints are right around 70 degrees. When trivia has not started at 10 oclock, we inquire as to why. The man promptly tells us that we are actually about 25 hours late for trivia.....thanks Will. So instead of trivia, we decide as a table to play kings. Will doesn't fare well in this game....

On Friday, I am determined to find myself an Irish pub in which to enjoy a nice, cold Guinness. I coordinate to meet my cousin Katie and her boyfriend at the Greenbriar in Brighton. Meanwhile, the roommates are drumming up plans to head to a new bar in the fenway area. Before these roads diverge, a group of us decide to play catch phrase. I have never enjoyed watching somebody attempt to play this game the way I did watching Amy. Combine that with the fact that we have paired her up with Will, and this is quite entertaining. At one point, I think she guessed the same answer 12 times for the same set of hints before Will's head almost exploded. Good times. Greenbriar was fun. It was certainly great to catch up with Katie and meet her boyfriend. They had a band, but it was playing 80s music.....not the most Irish feeling atmosphere, but a good start. Apparently, I must head to South Boston to really find some good Irish pubs. My night ends pretty early, and I head back to the apartment. I get a text from Will about 2:00 saying that he has just sent me two ridiculously drunk girls. Amy is the first to storm in. She seems to have liked this bar they went to quite a bit. I am then standing by the door in time for Rebecca to literally fall into the apartment and into my arms. I carry her over to the couch where she will spend the next 7 hours. Had I not been standing there, I am not sure where she would have ended up sleeping....the floor seems likely.

Saturday is Harpoon fest day! I wake up early and excited. Sierra and I go for a nice run to start the day, as it is absolutely beautiful outside. I get back, and of course the girls are still sleeping. They both wakeup right as I am walking out the door to head to Will's. We then head to Cristina's place for mimosas and prep for this Harpoon Fest that I have now heard so much about. Harpoon Fest does turn out to be pretty awesome. The Harpoon Brewery is located along the water, and they put up a huge tent and block off a huge parking lot out behind the Brewery. You then buy tickets for drinks and food and listen to live music. There are tons of people there including a lot of people that Will works with. I get to meet way too many people to remember their names, but I remember the important ones. Sure enough, a game of flip cup breaks out. I warn people that I tend to hurt people's self esteem when I play flip cup, but they encourage me to play anyways. Sure enough, the South wins again. Somewhere in there, a joke is made about Ga. Tech and the binary code (this is the default math joke apparently.) I then whoop out my 2004 Final Four story about the posters we made including, everybody's favorite, the Bynumary code. The look this kid gave me suggested that his brain actually shutoff for a couple seconds after hearing this.....I love it.

After Harpoon Fest, we went to a bar along the water, but everybody was pretty beat at that point. I did get another "you must be from the South" from a bartender. And there was a girl trying to get a drink, but she couldn't get close enough so I cleared the way for her to which she says "I assume you are from the South, cause nobody from up here would have done that." So I haven't completely blended in yet. Still working on it. On the way to get a cab, Russell is jogging backwards while trying to keep up a conversation with us only to completely eat it over a huge potted front of a restaurant with tons of people on the patio. This is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen.....tears are streaming down my face. It was a perfect end to a great day. The girls have to get home and go to bed, as they have boldly signed up to run in a 5k(marathon) the following morning.

The roommates do indeed complete the 5k Sunday morning. Label me impressed. Sierra and I went on about a 5k....walk Sunday morning, so that is kinda close. A group of us then head to Castle Island Beach. Dogs aren't supposed to be on the beach after May, so I have to keep Sierra leashed, but we still go swimming. The water is absolutely freezing....the things I do for her. We are then sitting in a group with Sierra in the middle when all of a sudden a group of birds lands right outside the circle. I see it in her eyes and dive for the leash at the same time she is leaping over Will to exit the circle. I am able to grab the very end of the leash, and I eat a faceful of sand in the meantime. Awesome. We all head back, tired and ready for the work week ahead. I watch Tiger finish an absolute domination at the Memorial, grab dinner and ice cream with Brittany, Christina, and Will, and then head home to sleep very well. Another awesome weekend in Beantown. Can't wait to see what week 2 at Staples has in store!


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