Sunday, May 31, 2009


I went to the grocery store today to grab stuff to make dinner for the roommates. I promised spaghetti and Egyptian gifts this evening. I fear that I have set the bar too high for Sunday evenings, but hopefully it is known that Egyptian handmade gifts are not a weekly thing. I made a pretty awesome dose of spaghetti and allowed the roommates to pick the huge brain that i possess. We then watched Swingers and talked about how awesome Sierra was. She has been so great these first couple days, and I very excited about the roommates falling more and more in love with her. She is a dog that is unparalleled in awesomeness. Heading to bed as I have work tomorrow. I haven't worked in 11 months, so I hope I remember how to do it. More than anything, i just want an Easy Button. I can't wait to use that whilst at work.

I don't plan on blogging each day in Boston, but I figured I would write about my first weekend. This will most likely bore the average man, but feel free to read whenever you feel like killing time. Hopefully it will at least be slightly entertaining. I can't talk too much trash about my roommates, because I gave them the link, so I will say only good things about them on here :) Boston rules so far!

Drew In Beantown

Day 2 Sidenote

In the cab on the way to the bar, Will was in the front seat and Amy, Christina, and myself were in the back. Will took a picture of the three of us, and I was able to live a Seinfeld moment. I looked at the picture and made the comment "I'm not sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see.....a nipple." The quote itself was lost on the crowd, but the point was made. Christina very quickly deleted the picture, and another (PG-rated) picture was taken.

Day 2

So at the Liberty, Will talked about all these glorious plans for Saturday. We were gonna wakeup, go to the beach, hit up Neiman Marcus for Russell's free beer/fashion show party, a party that one of his work friends was throwing, and then out on the town. Instead, Will got out of bed around noon, called me to tell me the beach was off (I had been up for three hours and had already made that assumption whilst watching TMNT 1 followed by TMNT 2....amazing), and then headed over to take me to lunch. We went to the Sunset Grill which is apparently Bostonian for "Huge Portions." This place as about 4oo beers to choose from, but Will throws me off by ordering a Diet Coke, so I then order a Miller Lite. I feel like kind of a tool ordering a ML at a place with 4oo beers, but I was flustered by changing shirts gel haired guy ordering a Coke Lite. I order buffalo fingers (shocker) on a stick. They are delicious and the weather is just immaculate.

We get back to my apartment, and Amy's mom has bought us beautiful patio furniture. This works out well, because I happen to love sitting outside with my beautiful dog postwork. We procede to sit out on this new patio furniture from about 4 to 11....margaritas are made and plans for the night are discussed. I enthrall everybody with the biography of Sierra's life. We decide to head to a place called The Market around 11. The cab driver drives in circles for about an hour and then charges us $40. I am pretty sure he just relocated from Tar Heel Taxi. The Market is nice. I get into buying drinks for everybody mode thinking they are at Chapel Hill prices and that stings in the end. Will and Christina split off relatively early on, so Amy and I decide to head back to Turner St. Errands must be run tomorrow, so hopefully I will be up bright and early again!

Night One In Boston

So the next step is for Sierra to meet the girls and meet the apartment. I am very hopeful and very confident that the roommates will fall in love with her and she will fall in love with the roommates. As I am moving my stuff in, Amy and her mom show up, so Sierra gets to meet the whole 19 Turner St. family all at once. As expected, she acts like an angel and all is well....Rebecca and Amy fall in love at first pet. Then again, how could you not?

After about an hour of relaxation couch time, Will heads over to grab me to start my first evening in Boston. We head to a place near Will's called Roggies. They apparently have huge bucket/pitcher things that are about 12-15 pints worth of beer. Unfortunately, the bartender says we have to have four people to order said pitcher. Odom tries that angle of being a big dude worth a couple (even though he drinks like half a dude) and i play the angle of being Irish and having a tolerance much past the average man, but neither sticks. So we stick to just ordering a couple pints. After Roggies, we head back to Will's place for a couple drinks before we go out. Will changes shirts about 4 times while we are there. He continues to ask me what I think of the shirts he changes into. I tell him this is a flawed strategy for multiples reasons: 1) I am color blind 2) On a scale from 0-10 on fashion sense, I rank somewhere in the .5 - 1.2 range. 3) I am not a homosexual. He finally settles on the same shirt that he wore to I just wasted an hour of my 10 weeks in Boston talking fashion with a dude who didn't even end up changing.

We then walk out to the T-line to head to the Liberty where some of Will's works friends are gonna meet us. Will works with Amy, which is how I fell into the situation of living with these girls. They apparently have a work softball team in which Will claims he is the best player on the team. After he makes that claim he tells me about the least shocking thing I have ever heard: "We are 0-4." However, it is a co-ed team that has 20 girls and 8 guys and they like to go out afterwards, so I am going to watch on Tuesday. After a couple years as seeing eye grounder guy on the Cleveland Steamers, it might be nice to sneak on the field of a team where I look like the badass. Anyways, the T is about the oldest public transportation system I have ever seen, but it definitely gets the job done. You can go just about anywhere on this thing. We ride it over close to Boston Commons and decide to get out and walk. We walk through Boston Commons, which is nice, and then over to the Liberty. It is a new hotel/bar that is the hip new place to hangout in Boston. It is so hip that a bourbon and ginger is $9!! I walk up to the bar and order and bourbon and ginger, and the bartender looks at me and she says "you are from the south aren't you?" so i respond "is my accent that bad?" she says "no, but nobody orders bourbon here." what a sad town. how do you go to football games without bourbon? anyways, everytime i go to the bar for my B&Gs, she makes a different comment about my southerness...I am fine with this.

I get to meet a whole bunch of Will's work buddies. They are all super nice to me and really fun. Rebecca and one of our neighbors Laura show up shortly after we get there. After talking to Laura for a couple minutes, she tells me that she is from Alpharetta....small world. I decide at this point to show Rebecca how to swing dance which we procede to do in the middle of a very non-dancing bar. Sooo much fun. Russell, one of Will's friends from work, is trying to makeout with everybody, including me, so I figure we are getting close to heading out time. Then, close to closing time, I see Rebecca getting into it with one of the guys I had just met, so I decide it is probably time to leave. Rebecca, Laura, and myself hop in a cab and head towards 19 Turner St. All in all, a great first night in Beantown! I can't wait to see what Saturday brings

Arriving In Boston

Prologue: I decided to go ahead and blog my summer in the North for a couple reasons. 1) I want to remember the places I go and the experiences I have so that if I end up here full time, I will know what I liked and what I didn't like. 2) All the KFBS kids who are from Boston are gonna want to live vicariously through me for the summer, so I figure this is easier than calling them everyday to let them know what I did the night before. 3) I liked blogging the international trip and got some good feedback, so I figured I would try my hand at it one more time. This might just end up exposing me as an amateur, but I figured it was worth the role of the dice.

I might as well start with my tribulations in getting ready to leave the wonderful South. After taking my car in to get fixed and hearing that it would have to stay overnight, I get a call from Officer Joe Duncan that my car has been broken into while at the shop. This frustrates me for a couple reasons. Clearly, I don't like my stuff being rooted through, but more than anything, it is just another thing to deal with while I am trying to both pack for Boston while also leaving my stuff in a manner that can be moved to 114 South Roberson/Awesome Street. In a both lucky and unfortunate way, I don't have anything that this particular robber wanted. I am actually so poor that broke burglers don't even want my shit. In my back seat there were about 8 hanging shirts, but my fashion sense is crappy enough that this guy looked at the shirts, decided they were hideous, and moved on. The fixed cost of actually breaking my window was already sunk, and the marginal cost of grabbing my clothes is minimal, yet he found them worth less than that. Thank you. In an ironic (not the right use of that word, but who does actually use it correctly?) twist, my Turkish track suit was in there. While the purchase price of said track suit was 28 lira, the value to me is in the area of 1,000 lira. I am very glad that it was not an Ottoman that broke into my car.....or the great Muhammad Ali of the Muhammad Ali Mosque. Float like a camel, sting like a glass of Nile water. Long story kinda short, I got my car all fixed for about 700 US and hit the road on Thursday morning for D.C.

After two days, and $30 in tolls, of driving, I landed in Boston mid-afternoon on Friday. I was met at the apartment by one of my roommates, Rebecca. Rebecca works for Kraft, and was a cheerleader at UNC. It is not quite doing it justice to say that she is very passionate about UNC. I quickly moved all my stuff into my room without organizing it as I was tired from driving and just wanted to relax on the couch and have a Sam Adams (when in Boston). We of course had big plans for the evenings....not sure where the night will take us